Our lives can be frantic, but don’t forget about taking care of YOU.
It can happen to any of us; we invest so much time in worrying about others that we fail to take care of ourselves. That’s understandable, but it isn’t going to help anyone in the long run. An old teacher of mine once told me, “If we give everything we have to someone else we become the ones in need.” So, don’t stop caring, but don’t forget to take care of you.
Here are some great tips for taking care of yourself on any given day:
- Fuel your body right: Try to eat balanced meals and give the body the nutrition it craves daily. Try to exercise at least a few times a week. Don’t have time? Try crock pot recipes to save time that would’ve been spent cooking towards gyming!
- Pursue your intellectual passions: Read up on that hobby you love or do ‘that thing’ that you’ve been wanting to start today instead of watching another rerun or distracting yourself with some simpler entertainment. Progress towards a goal can be very rewarding.
- Communicate more: We humans are social creatures. We crave the company of others in some way. When’s the last time you talked to an old friend? A family member? Wrote a letter or a card? Take time out of your day to engage others in your day; it could brighten up yours and another’s day!
Have a great week, and remember to take care of numero uno!
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