Sexual violence can happen to anyone. Talking about it can be hard, but it can help keep someone you love safe. Learning about consent, bystander intervention and safety planning are ways that we as a community can help prevent sexual violence.

The Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS) team is dedicated to helping any victim of sexual violence. SASS partners with other agencies to educate the public about sexual assault prevention with information about what sexual violence is, what consent looks like, the importance of bystander intervention, and information about safety planning. One of our primary goals is to stop sexual violence before it begins through public awareness. 

YourSPACE Sexual Assault Prevention Education

The YourSPACE program began in 2012 with the State of Nevada’s Approved Sexual Assault Prevention Plan. One of the primary goals of the plan is to stop sexual violence before it begins through statewide education. That’s where YourSpace comes in.

Our highly trained and skilled outreach specialists in prevention education go throughout the community–to schools, businesses, and gatherings–and present tailored sexual assault education. Anyone can have a presentation on any topic relating to sexual violence, personal well-being or community health.

These presentations are 100 percent free; we’ll travel to you and can present on an area or topic that you’ve identified as critical. Please contact us for scheduling at 1-775-221-7600.

What Topics Can a YourSPACE Presentation Cover?

Social Norms
What are they in today’s society?

What is it? How might we approach talking about it?

Personal Boundaries
How can we establish, present and respect personal boundaries?

Workplace Sexual Harassment
What does it look like and how can we stop it?

Sexual Assault
How does it happen, who’s vulnerable and how can it be prevented?

Relationship Abuse
What does it look like, how do I help myself or a friend?

Additional Sexual Assault Education Resources


Carries out national programs to prevent sexual violence, help survivors, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.

Focuses on developing and expanding outreach and education regarding interpersonal violence to students, faculty and staff across the UNR campus.

Program designed to prevent the initiation of emotional, physical and sexual abuse in adolescent dating relationships.

Designed to reduce dating violence and sexual harassment among adolescents.

Dating violence prevention program that uses the relationships between high school athletes and their coaches to change social norms and behaviors.

Aimed at reducing bullying, peer victimization, and other types of interpersonal violence.

List of shelters and emergency housing in Nevada from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Learn more about sexual consent with the F.R.I.E.S. acronym from Planned Parenthood.